Hill Head
Fareham, Hampshire

  07584 198392  


Corporate Days

Seated massage.

Corporate Days

Let us come to your workplace and we'll bring everything we need to help ease the aches and pains of your workforce. We find that employees are very grateful for this service and regard it as a big employment benefit whilst also benefiting their own health and wellbeing. From an employers point of view, this is a very cost effective way to increase the value of the overall 'employment package' without increasing the wage bill and can help increase employee retention and satisfaction.

All we need is a small area to work in so that we can set up a mobile couch or alternatively we can bring our specialist massage chair which takes up far less space and can easily be moved between offices or work areas. Massage can be through clothing but, if you have a space available that affords some privacy, a better massage can usually be achieved by allowing the clients to remove basic items of clothing.

We can tailor the day to suit your individual requirements. However, we have found that allowing 20 minutes for each employee tends to be the best balance between not impacting their working day too much and being able to offer a meaningful treatment. Typically, we find that the majority of treatments will involve neck and shoulder work to help relieve computer/desk work induced stress but we do see many other issues as well. Ideally, someone will have already started a signup list before we arrive and for us to be presented with a list of names and times on our arrival. After the day, we will invoice for our services. All our therapists are level 5 trained, we are fully insured and can produce our risk assessment on request. If you would like to book a corporate day, please contact us and we can sort out the finer details and find a mutually convenient date in the diary.

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If you would like us to help you move better or with less pain, please make an appointment and we would be delighted to see how we can help.

Get In Touch

07584 198392

[email protected]
Hill Head, Fareham, Hampshire

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